Pod Juice is my daily driver juice, so I mean it when i say there's a lot to like here. That said, I want to start off with the one potential negative for some, and that's that the flavor doesn't last as long as some other brands. I think the reason for that is because of one of the factors I like most about Pod Juice, and that's that their flavors are much closer to the real tastes and scents that inspire their flavors. Other brands usually wind up tasting like candy, and I think it's that oversweetness that makes the difference in longevity. The reasons I keep going back to Pod Juice are mostly two fold: Their excellent (but slightly short lived) true to life flavors....and their PERFECT throat hit. It just hits perfectly for me. Not too harsh and not too soft, but juuuust right. Pod Juice is a great choice at a very fair price.